The DNL Law Firm deals with disputes arising from violations of fundamental rights rules sanctioned by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) based in Strasbourg, and from violations sanctioned by the International Court of Justice, also known as the Court International The Hague, often indicated by the acronym CIG, based in The Hague, the Netherlands, by violations sanctioned by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) based in Luxembourg and finally by violations sanctioned by the International Tribunal of the Law of the Sea, based in Hamburg.
The DNL Firm also deals with issues regularly related to the protection of the rights of persons deprived of liberty and is currently engaged in some judicial cases both before the internal courts and before the European Court of Human Rights concerning the detention of sentenced persons, persons in pre-trial detention, immigrants awaiting deportation or foreigners awaiting extradition.
The DNL Firm has gained extensive experience in the field of extradition and expulsion of aliens, including the surrender procedures provided for in Framework Decision 2002/584 / JHA of 13 June 2002 on the European arrest warrant and procedures of delivery between Member States, as well as those of transfer of asylum seekers provided for in the "Dublin II" Regulation (today "Dublin III")
In particular, the Firm is often called upon to intervene to contest the legitimacy of (typical or atypical) measures to remove the foreigner from the national territory (extraditions, expulsions, deportations and rejections), through the preparation of appeals, also of a precautionary type, before to the European Court of Human Rights or to other international human rights protection bodies.
The DNL Firm also provides advice and assistance in favor of foreign law firms that deal with extraditions and expulsions to Italy, as well as in favor of subjects of international law who intend to intervene in extraditional proceedings before Italian jurisdictions.